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Did you know there is a waiting list - If you cannot find a suitable appointment, leave your availability on the waiting list and it will notify you as soon as an appointment is available. New Patient Consultation Appointments will cost £55 as of the 1 February 2024
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Chiropractic is a regulated healthcare profession that specializes in the diagnosis and management of conditions of the neuro-musculoskeletal system. So in short, all the muscles, joints and nerves of the body. Although Chiropractors are best known for treating neck and back pain, they can also help with a wise range of musculoskeletal conditions.
Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is beneficial in so many ways, whether it is to treat a specific issue or for general wellbeing. With a brilliant and experienced massage therapist, like Clare, you could benefit in the following ways:
• Reduce muscle tension
• Reduce muscular pain
• Reduce stress
• Better mobility
• Better sleep
• Rehabilitation of sports injuries
• Improve recovery
• Help with management of mental health
Psychological Assessment and Treatment
Neurological Physiotherapy
Neurological physiotherapy is a specialist area of physiotherapy. Focusing on the assessment, management and treatment of people with movement disorders that have resulted from injury or disease to the Nervous System. If you have a condition such as Stroke, Parkinsons, Multiple Sclerosis, spinal cord Injury, Gullan Barre, Vestibular dysfunction, Peripheral Neuropathy (to name a few) you may benefit from having advice and / or treatment from a Neurological Physiotherapist.
Neurological Physiotherapy aims to improve quality of life by maximizing your physical potential either through restorative or compensatory strategies (or a combination of both).
Shockwave Therapy
Fast and Effective - Clinically Proven - No Medication and Non-Invasive
Shockwave therapy or Extra Corporal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment for longstanding soft tissue pain. Supported by NICE (National institute of Clinical Excellence) for clinically proven results for a range of conditions and this list is increasing.:
Neck Pain (Myofascial pain syndromes)
Shoulder Pain (Calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder, subacromial pain syndrome)
Back Pain (Myofascial pain syndromes, idiopathic lower back pain)
Elbow Pain (Lateral and medial epicondylitis)
Hand Pain (Dupuytrens contracture, De Quervain disease, trigger finger and Carpal tunnel syndrome)
Hip Pain (Greater Trochanteric Pain Bursitis)
Hamstring Pain (Hamstring tendinopathy, insertional)
Knee Pain (Osteoarthritis, patella tip syndrome)
Osgood -Schlatter Disease
Achilles Pain (Achilles tendinopathy, insertional and mid body)
Heel Pain (Plantar fasciitis)
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Need Help? 01296 846981